Friday, April 26, 2019


Kuala Lumpur 26 April 2019-The SOS UV Porcelain+ supplement is the new benchmark for oral skincare. Manufactured in USA, UV Porcelain+ is certified  by  the  US  FDA  and  clinically  proven  for  demonstrated  results.  Available  only  in  reputable  aesthetic  and dermatology clinics, the supplement is registered and approved by the Malaysian Ministry of Health. Using only scientifically proven ingredients, each 750mg of UV PORCELAIN+ capsule helps your skin to:

Control pigmentation by inhibiting melanin synthesis in order to brighten, lighten and whiten complexion
Reduce melanin that is already present in the cells, including those in dark acne scars and freckles, resulting in an overall more balanced skin tone
Provide broad spectrum UVA and UVB protection against sun damage
Optimize skin radiance and glow
Improve skin texture, moisture and elasticity
Firm skin and promote the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles

DR.Hwong Giin Shing

In addition to the beneficial ingredients such as L-Glutathione, Alpha-Porcelain, Vitamin C, and Collagen peptides, UV  PORCELAIN+  is  also  enhanced  with  Fernblock®  to  provide  an  effective  protection  against  UV  rays  and  sun- related  effects  to  whiten  and  brighten  your  skin  as  well  as  to  increase  elasticity  of  your  skin.  Here  is  a  detailed description of each active ingredient:
Glutathione A  tripeptide  which  contains  L-cysteine,  L-glutamic  acid  and  L-glycine.  Abundant  levels  of cysteine lowers overall melanin production by inhibiting tyrosinase and changing the metabolic pathway of melanin  from  synthesising  dark  pigmented  melanin  to  creating  light-pigmented  melanin.  Glutathione  can exist as one of two different forms: Glutathione or L -Glutathione (an active form with an extra electron ready to  neutralize  free  radicals  in  the  body).  In  UV  PORCELAIN+,  the  L-Glutathione  active  contained  within  is exclusive to SOS and is manufactured through a proprietary fermentation process.

Vitamin C : Clinically proven to promote skin brightening and protect against sun damage. Though Vitamin C does not have a direct effect on skin whitening, an optimal inclusion of it acts as a catalyst to enhance the effects of ingredients that promote whitening.
Collagen Peptides : Oral consumption of quality Collagen peptides improves the hallmarks of skin aging (stimulates collagen and elastin product), leads to a significant reduction of wrinkle depth, promotes skin elasticity and hydration.
Fernblock® :  A  nutriceutical  with  photoprotective  properties  and  potential  preventive  agent  for  skin photoaging and photo-induced skin cancers. Also known as Polypodium Leucotomos, it protects against UV-induced  skin  damage,  and  leads  to  a  significant  decrease  of  UV-induced  redness  and  sunburn  cell formation.
Alpha-Porcelain : A proprietary ingredient to SOS, the unique catalyst that synergizes these ingredients to work together, yet retain their individual strengths to penetrate into the body for maximum results. Instagram accounts for Science On Skin (@scienceonskin) and The Lush Clinic (@thelushclinic)

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